The galaxy is 30 million light-years from Earth

The Hubble Space Telescope captures UGC 695, a weak glowing galaxy located in the constellation Cetus (Kinh Ngu).

Picture 1 of The galaxy is 30 million light-years from Earth
Galaxy UGC 695 is at the center of the Hubble telescope image.(Photo: NASA).

NASA released a photograph of UGC 695 , a galaxy with a weak surface brightness (LSB) , between many different shaped galaxies on September 13. The brightness of the LSB galaxy is less than the background brightness of the Earth's atmosphere, making it difficult to see them in space. These galaxies glow weakly because there are relatively few stars and most ordinary matter exists as giant clouds of gas and dust.

Similar to dwarf galaxies, LSBs have a supreme percentage of matter relative to the number of stars. Stars are also scattered in a large space. Astronomers are still trying to figure out how the LSB galaxy formed.

The Hubble Space Telescope has been in space since 1990 and is expected to continue operating until the 2030s. The Hubble is operated by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), which is responsible for observing stars and celestial bodies. galaxies, black holes and many other celestial bodies. This telescope once photographed targets up to 13 billion light-years away.