The mystery surrounding 'equipment communicating with the dead' of Dr. Edison

Thomas Edison is thought to have invented a device that communicates with the dead and communicates the machine design to colleagues. Because there is no prototype, the scientific community is trying to extract the mysterious cloud around this hypothesis.

Mysteriously around the "device communicating with the dead"

According to Epoch Times, in addition to inventing light bulbs, phonographs, and many other devices, Thomas Edison is also thought to have invented a machine that allows the dead to communicate with living people.

Picture 1 of The mystery surrounding 'equipment communicating with the dead' of Dr. Edison
Portrait of the great inventor Thomas Edison.(Photo: Epoch Times)

"I have been working for a long time to build a scientific experiment kit, to look at the possibility of dead people communicating with us," The American magazine quoted Edison in 1920.

Although no prototypes or diagrams have ever been discovered, some say that Edison communicated his design to a group of researchers after his death.

During the 1990s, the so-called " Scole Experiment " produced many notable results on physical media and communication with the afterlife, including Edison's message (long gone). About the sketch of the machine communicating with the soul.

Picture 2 of The mystery surrounding 'equipment communicating with the dead' of Dr. Edison
On the right is Thomas Edison's signature when he was alive.On the left is the signature on the film thought to be written by Thomas Edison's soul in the Scole experiment.(Photo: This Life, Next Life / YouTube)

David Fontana, Cardiff University psychology professor, UK, and a member of the Association for Psychic Research (SPR) is always present at the experiment at Scole, a small village in Norfolk, England. .

Fontana said, he is one of the researchers (including many engineers, mathematicians, an astronomer of NASA) witnessed the mysterious presence of the soul through many experiments. They hear voices, feel invisible hands touch them, see light, and other phenomena.

"It's like a bunch of sticks. You can break a stick, but when you put them together into bundles, they will be harder to break. Therefore, many souls show their appearance at the same time, repeat many times. over time, and the labs were tested, avoiding signs of fraud, "Fontana said in the documentary " This Life, The Next Life. "

Fontana said the SPR challenged magicians, sorcerers, and anyone else to repeat the sign of souls in Scole experiments. However, no one can do this.

The team kept unexposed film rolls in a sealed box during the experiment. After opening the box, they found that the image printed on the film was thought to be created by the soul. It is believed that Edison provided his blueprint, including a sketch of the machine with instructions.

When SPR first built the machine, it didn't work. However, after the first failure, another communication by film reel added two coils to the blueprint. This time, there was also a signature with three letters, TAE.

The film's signature was sent to Edison Foundation but without any explanation of its origin. However, the organization has confirmed it matches Edison's true signature (TAE is the initial three-letter abbreviation of Thomas Alva Edison).

With the new design, SPR successfully built the machine to help them receive a message when they plugged it into an amplifier, in January 1997. Many people also built the device according to this design and tested it. At home, they share the files of audio, images, refining designs on forum (forum for researchers and interested in Instrumental Transcommunication phenomenon (ITC) - Communicate with souls through machines.

Picture 3 of The mystery surrounding 'equipment communicating with the dead' of Dr. Edison
The main design of the machine helps to receive messages from the deceased.(Photo: Epoch Times)

Physical Mediumship International International provides the main design of the device including: two coils, a Germanium chip, an amplifier and a Pressure-adjusting screw.

A man shared on the forum " I received the phrase 'Hey Mark' from the American-speaking woman. " Another person said he heard " Welcome-Hello" and "Devil Play - Sounds ghost."