The past shows the special hunting style of the 'ghost fish' on the ocean floor!

Pelican eel bears the unique characteristics of deep-sea creatures, which are monstrous and somewhat creepy, along with a very special way of hunting.

Pelican eel has the scientific name 'Eurypharynx pelecanoides'. This fish possesses a different body from the other members of them. For example, the pectoral fins are very small and almost dissipated. Therefore, the task of moving is done entirely by the whip-shaped tail.

Picture 1 of The past shows the special hunting style of the 'ghost fish' on the ocean floor!
Living in an isolated environment makes it very rare for people to encounter pelicans eels.

To hunt, pelicans eels use bioluminescent substances in the tail to create pink "bulbs" to attract small creatures. As the 'meal' approached, the pelicans eel immediately widened its giant mouth to match it (the special mouth is also the source of the name given to this fish).

Living in an isolated environment makes it very rare for people to encounter pelicans eels. In most cases we can target this animal because they are caught in the fishing net. Therefore, the video recorded the scene of a predatory pelagic eel, discovered and recorded by a research team as they explored the Papahānaumokuākea National Marine Reserve (USA), considered to be extremely precious.

Admire one of the most exotic animals on the ocean floor in the video below: