The polar bear is about to starve to controversy among experts

Some conservationists argue that thin children waiting to die on Canadian islands are not the result of climate change.

Photographer Paul Nicklen of National Geographic and filmmakers from conservation organization Sea Lpegacy discovered polar bears on the Baffin Islands in Canada in late August, according to Fox News. The skinny bear is rummaging through a trash can seen as a symbol of the impact. "When the ice melts, polar bears cannot access their main food source of seals," the video explains.

The scene of a hungry polar bear waiting for death caused controversy.(Video: National Geographic).

However, Leo Ikakhik, a polar bear watcher in Nunavut region since 2010, said he was not surprised by the fact that polar bears were starving in the video."People may be shocked to see a bear that is really skinny, but that's not the first time I've seen similar animals , " Ikakhik told the BBC.

According to Ikakhik, the polar bear in the video may be sick or recover from injury so that it cannot hunt."I will not blame climate change. It is only part of the life of animals, what they go through," Ikakhik said.

Cristina Mittermeier, co-founder of Sea Legacy, shared that although she does not know exactly the reasons for the bear's condition, she hopes the video will spark discussions about the impact of climate change. .

According to National Geographic, in general, the number of polar bears in the world is not threatened. However, Steven Amstrup, a senior scientist with nonprofit organization Polar Bears International, thinks that some polar bear populations are at greatest risk of falling in seasonal ice regions, such as zones. The area surrounds Baffin Island in the far north, where photographers capture a hungry polar bear.

When the temperature warms, the ice on the sea melts earlier and returns later. This extends the time when polar bears must live on fat accumulated in the body. The Arctic sea ice cover is about 2.6 million square kilometers less than in 1979. Most scientists believe that sea ice melted faster than normal speed in the past few decades. The Arctic is one of the areas most affected by warmer weather.

Picture 1 of The polar bear is about to starve to controversy among experts
Climate change poses a real risk to polar bear populations.

According to Amstrup, climate change may not be the main factor leading to the sad outcome of the polar bear in the video."We cannot say for sure from the scene that this bear's malnutrition is caused by global warming and the disappearance of sea ice. Polar bears have very few predators in nature. Although they often live long, they are not immortal, all die and most die because they are no longer able to get enough food, which means lack of food is the main cause of death for the North Bear. extreme " , Amstrup explained.

However, climate change poses a real risk to polar bear populations, according to Amstrup."Although it is uncertain how the bear fell into starvation, we can be sure if the world continues to warm up, such events will increase and polar bear survival rates. "We will be confident that if we stop releasing greenhouse gases, polar bears in the world will gradually disappear," Amstrup said.