The secret has no solution at the heart of Lost Lake in Oregon

Most months of the year, Lost looks like many other lakes - calm and peaceful. But when winter came, a mysterious crater appeared and began to drain all the lake water, leaving a barren landscape, causing scientists to be confused for centuries.

The secret of Lost Lake in Oregon has caused scientists a headache

Jude McHugh, spokesman for the Willamette National Forest, shared with the Bulletin that the crater has existed for a long time. The explanation of this phenomenon is actually not complicated.

Picture 1 of The secret has no solution at the heart of Lost Lake in Oregon
The mysterious crater appears under the lake.(Source: Daily Mail)

Geologists insist that the region's volcanic landscape is causing the lake to run out so quickly. They thought that beneath the lake, a lava tube formed when molten lava hardened near the surface and flowed down.

In the process of lava cooling down, the lava tube becomes empty, leaving pipes in the form of large tunnels.

Similar " lava holes " were discovered at Fish Lake, only a few miles from Lost Lake, near the intersection of Highway 20 and the state highway.

However, what makes scientists headaches is the question: So where has all this water gone?

McHugh said that water could seep into the porous ground, filling the aquifers that supply water for streams in Cascades. However, this is just an unconfirmed hypothesis.

Occasionally, locals find strange objects in the lake , such as car parts, engines, or other debris. McHugh believes that this is the result of attempts to block the pit, and warns that this action could cause flooding.

' If someone has successfully blocked the mouth, and we are not sure if this is possible, it will only lead to flooding and flooding. It is an important part of how to design the road, 'she said.