The solar field is about to turn polar

The magnetic poles of the sun are about to reverse, with the north pole running out of position and waiting for the south pole to follow.

>>>The solar field is about to reverse

Picture 1 of The solar field is about to turn polar
The sun is entering the peak phase of the 11-year cycle - (Photo: NASA)

Every 11 years, the sun's two hemispheres are reversing, creating a wavy effect that can affect the edge of the solar system.

And experts from the Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford University (USA) said our central star is going through one of the periodic extreme islands, according to

'The sun's poles are slowly turning around, and this is a widespread process that may take several months to complete, but it only happens once every 11 years , ' according to Todd Hoeksema's solar physicist. university on.

However, what the experts care about this event is the reversal of the entire heliosphere, meaning that the space stretches from the sun to every planet in the system.

The above activity of the sun is expected to create a bright aurora on the earth, and Jupiter meets a storm, Saturn also appears aurora .