The story behind the mysterious hand movements of the flight attendants

Why does every flight attendant turn one hand behind his back?

If you've ever been on a plane and have taken care of it, you'll find at least one attendant welcoming guests at the cabin door with a rather strange posture: wrapping your arms behind your back , like this.

Picture 1 of The story behind the mysterious hand movements of the flight attendants
Is it a firm rule, or just a coincidence?

What is the truth?

The truth is that if you look a little further, you will find that the person with that pose will not appear in the aisles to check if the passenger has a seatbelt, the phone is off or on, the seat is lifting position .

Because it is the person whose task is to count the number of passengers boarding the plane before taking off. For each passing passenger, they use a pretty special counting tool as shown below.

Picture 2 of The story behind the mysterious hand movements of the flight attendants
Each click is a jump of the passenger count.

And the reason why they put their hands behind them is to not attract the attention of passengers , avoid congestion that takes time and hinder circulation.

However, in fact, this seems to be an unwritten rule on flights, when there is no airline document that requires this issue.

In addition, in an interview in 2015, some attendants replied that they kept their hands so simply because they were not allowed to stand with their arms crossed - the posture was deemed unacceptable in the service industry. . Meanwhile, if you let go of your arms on your sides, it is uncomfortable, so most people choose to put their hands behind their backs.