The strange stone was identified as a dinosaur brain fossil

According to Fox news, a brown stone found on the coast a decade ago was exactly the fossil brain of dinosaurs, living about 133 million years ago.

Scientists believe that this dinosaur has died near the water source, its head is buried under muddy mud or sediment, so the brain may remain intact to this day.

Dr Alex Liu, of Cambridge University, said: "It is extremely difficult to preserve the brain, the opportunity to keep them extremely small, so this finding is amazing."

Analysis shows that they are very similar to the brain of the giant Iguanodon herbivorous dinosaur , living about 133 million years ago. Iguanodon dinosaur is a species of dinosaur Ornithopoda eating large grass. Its front legs have a sharp claw to defend. His teeth are very strong and easily help him eat plants.

Picture 1 of The strange stone was identified as a dinosaur brain fossil
Dinosaur brain fossils were first discovered in history.

"Brown gravel" discovered by fossil hunter Jamie Hiscocks found at the beach near Bexhill-on-Sea, England in 2004. However, it was not until 12 years later to find it. correct answer.

Jamie Hiscocks said: " I have always believed that this stone has something special for years".

The discoverer of this stone is Professor Martin Brasier, Oxford University, England, one of the world's leading experts in paleontology and co-author of this study. Unfortunately he lost in an accident two years ago.

Hiscocks thinks that the initial suspicion leads to the result today. He said: "From the first exchange emails with me, Professor Martin asked me if I have ever heard about dinosaur brain fossils in the records ever since. From that point on, I knew exactly What did he get, I was extremely excited to hear important information from a leading archaeologist ".

Dr. David Norman, Professor Martin's colleague, said: "We think it is possible that dinosaurs are dead near the water and the head is buried in the muddy swamp so it can preserve the brain to this day. now this will open the search for more important fossils ".