The 'whale' is about the size of a dinosaur

Few people know that the ancestors of today's whales are Basilosaurus, the giant ancient whale that lived around 34 million years ago.

Unlike today's whales, the Basilosaurus has a paddle-like fins similar to those of seals and long tails.

Picture 1 of The 'whale' is about the size of a dinosaur
An adult Basilosaurus has an average length of 12 to 20m.

Image of Basilosaurus simulation when grown up with an average length of 12 to 20m.

The reason for this is the Basilosaurus (Latin for the king of reptiles) because hunters found this creature fossil in Louisiana, USA in 1832 mistaking it for a dinosaur. new.

The long jaw part along with the sharp teeth on fossils also make many people think that this is an ancient reptile.

The true form of the Basilosaurus remains a mystery until June 2015 when in Al-Hitan Wadi Valley in Wadi al-Hitan, Egypt.

Accordingly, it was found that the most prominent feature of Basilosaurus was that they were very delicate. In contrast to other marine animals, Basilosaurus moves flexibly like eels today.

Basilosaurus has evolved for an elongated body like a sea snake that helps it swim faster. The skull of this whale is narrow, small compared to the body, indicating that it has strong bite force.

The muscular portion of the Basilosaurus' spine is weak while its spine is hollow and contains liquid, indicating that the organism is not a deep-diving or fast-swimming species for long periods of time, but can still move at any speed Surprise to attack prey.