The world's largest white shark is over 6m long

Stephen Frink, an American underwater photographer, captured the image of the world's largest white shark over 6 meters long.

According to Mirror, two diver protected in a steel cage were almost in direct contact with the white shark off Guadalupe Sea, Mexico.

Picture 1 of The world's largest white shark is over 6m long
Divers are protected in iron cages when approaching white sharks off Mexico. (Photo: Stephen Frink).

Although it is impossible to accurately measure its size, but by visual comparison, this white shark may be larger than the 6m-long "Deep Blue" shark , being recognized as the world's largest shark.

Several other photographs show the white shark rising out of the water to attack prey with its wide mouth and sharp teeth. The photo was released on July 20.

Stephen often takes pictures of the great white sharks in South Australia, South Africa and Mexico. He said that these are the best living conditions for large white sharks.

Picture 2 of The world's largest white shark is over 6m long
The mouth of the world's largest white shark.(Photo: Stephen Frink).

The great white shark is the animal that lies at the top of the ocean's food chain. This fish is the target of most underwater photographers.

"My goal is to approach and capture their behavior," Stephen said.

According to him, large white sharks are rather shy animals. We only know about the region and the time of the great white shark activity in recent times.