The world's oldest creature

At the age of 176, giant Jonathan turtles still look healthy and robust. 'Instrument' is one of the oldest living animals in the world today.

Picture 1 of The world's oldest creature

'Turtle instrument' Jonathan, the oldest village resident on St Helena island.

The photograph of Jonathan in 1900 has just been found to prove this affirmation. The picture shows that Jonathan, at a loss, is chewing on grass and next to him is a prisoner of the Boer War (occurring in 1899-1902 between the British Empire and the two regions of Transvaal and Orange Free State of South Africa with victory. belongs to the British).

The photo was taken on the British colonial island of St Helena in the Atlantic Ocean, where 'instrument' is 'settling down' in a plantation with 5 other young turtles. Due to the myth that 'instrument' Jonathan is treated by the people here as a 'star'.

Since its inception, this turtle has seen the rise of 8 British emperors from George IV to Elizabeth II and 50 prime ministers. The name Jonathan was placed in the 1930s by the administration of St Helena. According to the island's spokesman, Jonathan belongs to the same species of Testudinipae cytodira, the only turtle alive among the three turtles brought to St Helena in the year. 1882.

Picture 2 of The world's oldest creature

and photos taken 108 years ago.Photo: Daily Mail

When you arrived here, the turtles were grown up and given at least 50 years of age. Jonathan's teenage life is only known to the world recently after the 'photos' photo was found in the photo gallery. Boer war has just been auctioned off. Seeing the photo, the auction organizer took the investigation and finally identified the turtle in the main picture as Jonathan.

Currently, although one eye no longer sees the road, the 'tool' turtle is still very agile. St Helena Island residents said that although his age was high, Jonathan's strength was not weak, as evidenced by the fact that 'he' was still able to 'pay' regularly for the three 'turtles' living in the plantations.