Tofu in combination with these foods, increasing the benefits many times better than the tonic

Tofu is recognized as a very good health care product, especially tofu combined with the following foods, health benefits are doubled.

Foods that should be paired with tofu

  1. These foods should be combined with tofu
    1. 1. Combined with milk, calcium supplements nourish the lungs
    2. 2. Combined with egg yolks or with animal blood
    3. 3. Combine with green vegetables, wood ear to prevent disease
    4. 4. Combined with some types of meat, protein absorption
    5. 5, Combined with seaweed, iodine can be supplemented
  2. Some people should not eat tofu

These foods should be combined with tofu

1. Combined with milk, calcium supplements nourish the lungs

Milk and tofu is a perfect combination, one is vegetable protein, one is animal protein, combine the two into one, the effect is doubled.

2. Combined with egg yolks or with animal blood

Picture 1 of Tofu in combination with these foods, increasing the benefits many times better than the tonic
Tofu combined with egg yolk is a great food to add calcium.

Just like taking calcium supplements requires vitamin D, eating tofu with calcium supplements should be combined with foods rich in vitamin D. Because vitamin D plays a very important role in the absorption and use of calcium.

Although tofu contains a lot of calcium, when eating tofu, need to combine with a food high in vitamin D to increase the effectiveness of tofu. Egg yolks are rich in vitamin D, so tofu paired with egg yolks is a great way to add calcium.

The internal organs of animals, for example in the liver or in animal blood, are also very high in vitamin D, so it is possible to cook white tofu with animal blood, especially duck blood, which works well. in the calcium absorption of tofu.

3. Combine with green vegetables, wood ear to prevent disease

Picture 2 of Tofu in combination with these foods, increasing the benefits many times better than the tonic
Leafy green and leafy vegetables are high in fiber, which can make up for the deficiency of tofu.

Although tofu is rich in nutrients, the fiber is relatively small, if eaten whole tofu can cause constipation. Leafy green and leafy vegetables are high in fiber, which can make up for the deficiency of tofu. In addition, wood ear and leafy vegetables are also high in antioxidants that can improve immunity and prevent disease.

If combined with tofu, the possible disease resistance. It should be noted that the content of oxalic acid in spinach, amaranth and other leafy greens is high. Therefore, these vegetables should be blanched with boiling water before cooking with tofu to avoid affecting the absorption of calcium in the tofu.

4. Combined with some types of meat, protein absorption

Picture 3 of Tofu in combination with these foods, increasing the benefits many times better than the tonic
Eating tofu with some high-protein foods has the effect of supporting the addition of protein in tofu into the body better.

Soy is known as 'vegetable meat' , the best protein in food. Tofu is made of soy, of course, protein is also relatively high. However, the content and ratio of amino acids, proteins in tofu is not very reasonable, nor suitable for human digestion and absorption. Therefore, if you eat tofu with some high-protein foods like some types of meat, then the effect of supporting the protein in tofu is better.

5, Combined with seaweed, iodine can be supplemented

Tofu is not only a nutritional supplement, but also has a certain therapeutic effect in preventing arteriosclerosis. This is because tofu contains a substance called saponin that prevents the production of oxidative lipids that cause arteriosclerosis. However, saponins cause a problem: causing iodine excretion in the body, which can lead to iodine deficiency if consumed tofu for a long time. Therefore, when you eat tofu, add some foods like kelp and seaweed, which are rich in iodine, while protecting the effects of tofu, while not causing iodine deficiency.

Some people should not eat tofu

Picture 4 of Tofu in combination with these foods, increasing the benefits many times better than the tonic

  1. 1. Patients with gastritis : Tofu contains extremely high protein, consuming too much at once not only hinders the absorption of iron by the body but also stimulates gastric acid secretion causing flatulence. in the intestine.
  2. 2. People with poor kidney function : If you have kidney problems, you should follow a diet low in protein so as not to increase the burden on the kidneys.
  3. 3. People with gout : In the diet of people with gout is often advised not to eat too much protein. Meanwhile, tofu is a rich source of vegetable protein, putin, . If you eat too much, the content of uric acid in the blood will increase, aggravating joint pain.
  4. 4. People with hypothyroidism : It is known that the isoflavone content is extremely good against prostate cancer, breast cancer is the agent that prevents enzymes from producing thyroid hormone, making the condition increasingly heavy.

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