Top 10 most dangerous substances on the planet

There are many ways to measure the extent of harmful substances. For example, you can take into account the extent to which the substance is harmful to the whole society, its degree of addiction or the degree of danger it poses to each individual user.

In a study published in The Lancet, David Nutt , a psychiatrist, invited two independent expert groups to assess the level of addiction and toxicity of dozens of different substances. The team finally drew conclusions about the 10 most dangerous drugs for those who use them:

Picture 1 of Top 10 most dangerous substances on the planet

In addition to being the most addictive, heroin also tops the list of the most dangerous substances in the world according to experts' assessment, because of the immediate risks that it can cause to users, the risks are long. The term is associated with repeated use and a high risk of increased use by injection.

Results of assessment of infusions are based on the ability to use drugs through injections and infusions. This is an important factor, because this method of taking drugs contains a high risk of sudden death and is associated with the spread of chronic diseases.

Other drugs, which have a higher degree of addiction or harm, are not highly valued at personal risk. For example, tobacco, although scoring higher than any other drug because of the risks associated with chronic use (2.9 / 3 points), does not reach the top 10 because it scores much lower at immediate acute risk criteria and 0 points in the infusion criteria.