Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

In addition to Egyptian pyramids, Meroë pyramids, Cholula pyramids, Sun pyramids, Louvre glass pyramids are also one of the unique pyramids, also explore these pyramids!

1. Meroë, Sudan

Picture 1 of Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

There are about 40 pyramids built in the desert in Meroë, located on the former land of Nubia, a region of many small countries located between Sudan and Egypt. Although only in the 'tiny' form compared to the pyramids in Egypt when the tallest tower is also 'only' 30m, however, the slope of these pyramids also surprised people.

Meroë's civilization was greatly influenced by Egyptian civilization, which is why there are so many similarities in the construction of these pyramids, especially in their use as tombs. for royalty.

Picture 2 of Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

The pyramids in Sudan were built with meticulously structured structures and layers, but over time they became loose and quickly damaged. The reason is because the inner core is built with negligence, the stone is used quite small and does not fit together. Although used for burial in the royal family, up to now, there has never been any treasure or mummy ever found in these pyramids.

2. The Cholula pyramid, Puebla, Mexico

Picture 3 of Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

Pyramid of Cholula is considered to be the largest and most ancient ancient work still used in Central America. Unlike the Egyptian pyramid, Cholula is used as a temple. Huge size and strange sculptures give this place a very mysterious feeling.

Used as a place of worship for the sky and Quetzalcoatl creator of the Aztecs, Cholula was built on a square ground with an edge length of up to 450m and 66m high. From the outside, one could mistake it as a hill with dense patches of grass and bushes. However, archaeologists have recreated a part of the interior and found the tunnel to be more than 8km long.

Picture 4 of Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

Cholula also stands out in colorful walls that contain a full-size human statue. These walls are called Drunkards and describe how people are intoxicated by a kind of water that is said to be fermented or a medicine made of mushrooms and cactus water.

3. Sun pyramid, Mexico

Picture 5 of Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

The Sun Pyramid, the third largest pyramid in the world is an impressive work of the ancient world. Located in the ancient city of Teotihuacan. This pyramid has a base close to the base of the Great Pyramid of Kheops of Egypt.

The exact name and structure of the Sun pyramid is still a mystery but in the ancient culture of the Central American people, it is believed that this is the door to the spiritual world. In addition, the building was built on a natural cave that turned this place into a spiritual gathering place for priests in sacrificial rituals.

Picture 6 of Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

The top of the pyramid is covered with a thick layer of mica, a mineral mineral with silicate structure arranged in layers. This coating was unfolded and sold in the early nineteenth century. The way the ancient Aztecs transported these large-sized plates as well as the inner mysteries were still things that scientists could not explain.

4. Louvre glass pyramid

Picture 7 of Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

Louvre glass pyramid (French name: Pyramide du Louvre) is a glass and metal pyramid located in the middle of Napoléon courtyard of the Louvre museum, Paris. Built at the request of French President François Mitterrand in 1983, the work is the work of the famous American architect Hoa Ieoh Ming Pei. The entire pyramid is built of glass and metal joints, 20.6m high with a 35m-square bottom. This pyramid consists of a total of 603 diamond-shaped glass panels and 70 triangular plates.

Picture 8 of Unique pyramids are not located in Egypt

Located in the middle of Napoleon courtyard, slightly shifted to the side, surrounding the Pyramid is 7 square low-water fountain. These triangles match the bottom of the Pyramid into a large square with a defect edge inside. This is the entrance to the Louvre through the Pyramid through a staircase leading down to the great hall below. Beside the Great Pyramid there are three smaller pyramids that are also made of glass and metal.

Glass pyramid without a bottom, below is also a pyramid-shaped glass structure inverted with a wish-down peak. This is a large hall with walkways leading to the museum's areas.