Volcanoes operate under the Antarctic ice shelf

Seismic activity underneath the West Antarctic shows the presence of an active volcano beneath the giant ice here.

>>>Finding the "giant" iceberg in Antarctica

Picture 1 of Volcanoes operate under the Antarctic ice shelf
Antarctic thick ice is hiding ' volcanic gods' - (Photo: Nature Geoscience)

The report, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, finally confirms the long-standing suspicion of volcanic activity beneath the Antarctic western ice shelf.

Several volcanoes have been exposed along the Antarctic shore and offshore islands, like the peak of Erebus, but this is the first time experts have identified ghost activity on the ice shelf, according to the reporter's co-author Richard. Aster, working at Colorado State University (USA).

This is a lucky discovery. Experts only hope that POLENET project can help reveal the mantle layer structure of the Earth, but eventually find traces of volcanoes here.

Previously, two seismic events took place in January 2010 and March 2011, with many similarities with active volcanoes in Alaska and Washington.

These movements appear at a depth of 25 to 40km, later observations that confirm geologists' doubts about the presence of volcanoes.