What will a baby born in the universe look like?

The birth experience on the universe is obviously very different, and so many risks that no one has dared to try.

In order to achieve the goal of conquering further places in the universe, one of the scientific issues to consider is human fertility. However, despite experiments on fertility of animals outside space - such as salamander, fish, mice . no research has been done on humans.

Up to this point, the number of female astronauts who ever boarded the universe was about 60, but no one conceived during the trip, and obviously did not give birth in micro-gravity conditions.

Picture 1 of What will a baby born in the universe look like?
Does the baby born in the universe look like a baby born on Earth?

But with the ambition to explore deeper in the universe, at some point people must consider having a child in a place other than Earth. And what if that happens? What will a baby born in the universe look like? And most importantly, what is the difference in the process of giving birth in micro-gravity conditions?

Birth differences in the universe

Obviously, birth on the universe and below the Earth must be different, and the most prominent feature is the micro-gravity environment . From an animal experiment it is possible to temporarily hypothesize that when there is no gravity from Earth, the mother will have difficulty pushing the baby out at bedtime. However, what is more important is that the risks mothers face in the universe will be huge.

Picture 2 of What will a baby born in the universe look like?
In micro-gravity environment, the chances of osteoporosis will increase.

In micro-gravity environment, the chances of osteoporosis will increase. Studies show that astronauts dilute about 1% - 2% of bone after each month in outer space. If pregnancy is complete in the space, the mother's pelvis can crack when the birth comes.

Even on the ground, doctors recommend that women with osteoporosis avoid normal births. So it is likely that if you have to give birth in the universe, it will be a caesarean birth.

What will happen to the child?

Science has proven that a child's structure is greatly influenced by the way it was born, such as the size of our head will be limited by the size of the mother's birth canal. With caesarean section, the next generation can own a larger head size than usual, creating space for better brain development.

Picture 3 of What will a baby born in the universe look like?
Born in the universe, the child's skin color will also change.

It is not the only change, but even the child's skin color will change . Be aware that in outer space we have to deal with many toxic cosmic radiation, so the evolutionary mechanism may require pigment cells to protect the skin - like melanin is protecting people from ultraviolet rays .

More melanin, meaning darker skin. So many experts predict that the next generation of people on the universe will have darker skin over time. However, these changes will take centuries, even if thousands of generations of women born in the universe become a separate trait.

And after all, when it comes to that stage, perhaps it is better to consider those born outside the universe to be a new species.

  1. China is close to the goal of giving birth to a baby in the universe