What will the world look like when robots replace humans?

Is it as good as what we still think?

>>>Start worrying about the future of "artificial intelligence"

For a long time, people have thought of creating machines to help and replace people who work, with the idea that in the future, people will not have to do heavy and dangerous jobs. This is really a great idea, but when robots completely replace people in labor, what will our world be like? Is it as good as what we still think?

Picture 1 of What will the world look like when robots replace humans?

Technology era

Foxconn is the largest manufacturer and outsourcer for the world's leading technology firms today. The company has more than 1 million employees in China, but it won't be long before these workers will be replaced by automated robots. Only in 2001, Foxconn installed 10,000 Foxbot robots and is expected to add 30,000 such robots a year.

Picture 2 of What will the world look like when robots replace humans?

Each Foxbot robot costs about $ 20,000 and is used to perform assembly, welding or spraying tasks . In June 2013, Foxconn's chief executive Terry Gou stated that "Show We have more than 1 million employees and in the future we will have 1 million more robots'. Does that mean Foxconn will double its production scale? No, that means that a lot of workers will lose their jobs because robots have replaced their jobs.

If the development of robot technology is tied to Moore's Law, in the future the number of robots will increase exponentially with significantly reduced costs. With a robot costing $ 20,000, only a few years later its cost can be only $ 5,000. And then even the lowest-paid workers in less developed countries can hardly compete.

Picture 3 of What will the world look like when robots replace humans?

Not only that, robots now have the ability to work as an average employee, which means it has the same IQ of 100. But if technology continues to grow at a rate Currently, by 2025, robots will have an IQ equivalent to more than 90% of the US population. In 10 years the robots will replace more than 50 million workers worldwide.

Evidence now that scientists have built machines that can reach IQ up to 115. In 2013, the FDA approved the use of robots to care and treat patients, here. are high-level jobs that previously required qualified people to take on.

What will the world look like?

The era of technology will bring huge profits for companies, due to reducing labor costs and increasing productivity thanks to automated machinery systems. Experts call this the second economy, when technology almost completely replaces people and transactions only take place on computers. It will produce a new class of billionaires who benefit from the development of technology, both sellers and buyers.

Picture 4 of What will the world look like when robots replace humans?

Meanwhile there will be a large number of workers who lose their jobs and are unable to support themselves and their families. Meanwhile their qualifications cannot afford to find other jobs. That will be a very difficult problem for the entire economy.

Experts are still very optimistic

Gary Frank, head of the automated systems research project at Westfalia Technologies, said: 'Contrary to the fear of automation and robotics technology, millions of workers will lose their jobs worldwide, Job opportunities will not disappear, but it needs development. While the jobs that robots have replaced and do not need people, there are still more technology-related jobs. '

Picture 5 of What will the world look like when robots replace humans?
Can robots and humans live together happily?

Therefore, according to experts, the main solution is to train more qualified workers. In the future we will be able to face two possibilities. Firstly, if the labor force is well-rehabilitated and can take on high-tech jobs, the world will develop extremely strongly with the support of mechanical technology and, importantly, people still own.

However, the second scenario is somewhat worse, that is, the pace of renovation does not keep up with the growth of science and technology. Then there will be a lot of people without jobs, leading to chaos in society, the rich and poor decentralization, the economic burden will make the world into crisis.