Why are people eating so much still hungry?

People with diabetes often feel hungry faster due to insulin secretion, eat a lot but still feel hungry.

According to Health Sina, some people after eating still feel hungry and suspicious because the body's basic metabolic processes increase. Basic metabolism means when people do nothing, the body still consumes energy to maintain physiological functions such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature . This consumption can be achieved. to about 1,200 kcal per day. Exercise on the treadmill for an hour only consumes up to 500 kcal. Stable basic metabolism shows that your health is going well and not getting fat easily.

Picture 1 of Why are people eating so much still hungry?
Hunger is not necessarily due to increased metabolism of the body.(Artwork: Health).

However, starvation is not necessarily due to an increase in the body's metabolism, but it can also come from other causes. There are many types of hunger, most commonly when the stomach is empty, blood sugar is low or both. Especially people with diabetes or having problems with blood sugar control mechanisms tend to feel hungry faster due to insulin secretion disorder. When there is too much insulin, the blood sugar level drops quickly so even though you eat a lot you still feel hungry.

In addition, you like to eat sweets and high-fat, high-energy foods such as biscuits, cakes, chocolate and often feel hungry sooner. These foods give you short-term satisfaction but very quickly lead to the next episode of hypoglycemia that makes you hungry. Just like that will create a vicious cycle of eating - hungry - eating . So experts recommend that people should limit fast food or desserts because they are potentially addictive.

So what to eat to not starve? Experts recommend eating a variety of foods that bring a feeling of fullness like vegetables, soy, cereals, potatoes, fish, dairy products and nuts. The main meal should balance the ingredients. Don't just use a single meal in your main meal, but combine protein with fiber-rich foods. For example, eat rice with fish or rice with vegetables instead of porridge with steamed buns. Also eat soup and drink water with the right amount . Many cases feel hungry but actually only thirsty, the body needs to replenish water and not food.

In short, when feeling hungry, you have to review whether the food you choose is right or not. Do not rush to assume that due to the basic metabolic process increases or fear of weight gain but abuse of your stomach.