Why do astronauts rarely dream in space?

The crew members of the ISS International Space Station work so much and so tired that they almost never dream of sleeping.

"When I was still on Earth, I rarely dreamed and so was it here. It was simply spinning the whole day , so if I could get to the cabin, I would go to sleep", Russian astronaut Oleg Skripochka said. with Sputnik.

Picture 1 of Why do astronauts rarely dream in space?
Astronauts on the International Space Station ISS.(Photo: Spuntik).

Alexandr Skvortsov, a colleague of Skripochka, said he did not remember if he had any dreams during his first flight, because at that time the workload was too much. Alexandr Skvortsov has made three flights to ISS.

Skvortsov, Skvortsov, is accustomed to eating and sleeping on the ISS, sometimes dreaming on the next flight.

"The weightless environment is very comfortable when sleeping. There is no need to turn over from side to side to sleep. The whole time we were in a state of relief, very pleasant. I had a dream, it seemed that fell into the well, drifted somewhere, and woke up in the morning with an alarm , " Skvortsov said.

Currently, Skripochka and Skvortsov are on duty at ISS with other astronauts Christina Cook, Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir (USA) and Luca Parmitano (Italy).