Why do chickens lay almost every day that every egg hatches at the same time?

Eggs were born at different times because the chickens could not give birth at the same time but only 1 fruit per day, however, all of them hatched at the same time. Is it because of the ability of the mother, the characteristics of the chicks or another reason?

In fact, this is a difficult question, not only for those of us who are also experienced in raising livestock but also not easy! To understand this, we need to know the process of laying - hatching eggs of chickens!

Picture 1 of Why do chickens lay almost every day that every egg hatches at the same time?
If kept in full condition, 25 hours of hens will produce an egg.

Egg laying process of chickens

Normally, when coming to the breeding season, if the hens are raised in adequate conditions, not affected by unusual factors from nature or habitat, then on average, every 25 hours it gives 1 eggs.

However, it will not incubate immediately when it leaves for food, then return to the nest the next day and give birth 1 more fruit. When the drive has about 4-5 fruits, the hens will stop for 1 day, many people think that this is the time they take their rest to continue a new process. And every time they call it a laying off .

Picture 2 of Why do chickens lay almost every day that every egg hatches at the same time?
The hen will follow that process approximately 4-5 times until the drive has about 18-20 eggs.

Hens will follow that process approximately 4-5 times until the drive has about 18-20 eggs, just enough for 1 hatching. At the right temperature, eggs will only need about 3 weeks to hatch into a baby, the ratio of male females is about 50-50 and of course there is also a proportion of broken eggs that cannot be hatched into children.

The reason all eggs hatch at the same time

Returning to the original question, eggs hatched at the same time are not due to chickens with "superpowers" or chicken eggs that can be interconnected but for a much more scientific reason!

For egg-laying species such as poultry and especially chickens, chicken eggs need a certain temperature threshold for embryos to begin working, gradually turning into chicks . Usually, the temperature threshold is a bit lower or lower than that of the species. At ambient temperatures of around 30 degrees, this mechanism cannot be activated.

Picture 3 of Why do chickens lay almost every day that every egg hatches at the same time?
Chicken eggs are hatched at the same time, starting at the same time and of course hatching together.

Specifically for chickens, they need a temperature range of 39 degrees - equal to the body temperature of the mother chicken to start hatching eggs.

In addition, combined with the one-egg-producing process of one egg and then foraging, the pre-born eggs did not reach the heat level to begin to develop until the whole nest was hatched by the mother chicken. Therefore, the birth before 3-4 weeks does not affect eggs, they are still incubated at the same time, starting to operate at the same time and of course will hatch together.