Why does the ball fly in the air?

Have you ever wondered why the ball can fly in the air? If you do not know, please refer to the article below.

Picture 1 of Why does the ball fly in the air?
People pump hydrogen gas into balloons, but hydrogen is lighter than air, so the balloon flies up.

When we pump a balloon with a gas called hydrogen , it will fly in the air. Simply because hydrogen is lighter than air. Therefore, the ball can fly, just like a gas bubble in water.

Hydrogen in the ball has a certain weight. But it has less specific gravity of air.

That means the hydrogen ball will be lighter when it contains air, so it flies up.

Hydrogen gas is made up of smaller and lighter molecules than all other molecules in the air. Therefore, real hydrogen is ideal for inflating balloons, but it is also dangerous: it is an explosive gas. So people like to use more helium gas, a little heavier gas but not dangerous.

People can also pump balloons with hot air, because hot air is lighter than cold air: so the balloon is born.

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