Why don't humans have tails?

Many higher animals have tails. Horses use tails to chase flies while birds have tails to navigate when flying. So what about us? Why don't humans have tails?

Page Howstuffworks said that according to the explanation of science, there are a number of reasons why human beings travel without tails.

Unlike four-legged animals - like cats - use tails to balance, humans walk on two feet and use another system to avoid falling. Our gravity goes down to the spine and we don't need another appendix to balance our sizable weight.

Picture 1 of Why don't humans have tails?
People no longer need to go to the tail to survive.

We also do not need a tail to anchor on tree branches or swing from tree to tree in the forest like other primates (although it is very interesting to spread branches).

In addition, humans no longer need to go to the tail to survive. So we've had tails? The answer is correct. And in a way, we still have it. We all have a unified series of vertebral vertebrae, called coccyx , at the end of the spine. This is a remnant from the days of our ancestors.

In other primates, coccyx still leads to a fully developed tail. And humans continue to grow an embryonic tail about 30 days in the womb, but this appendage in many cases shrinks before birth.

In extremely rare cases, some children are born with real tails. This is a similar form - a characteristic of an ancient ancestor that reappears. Usually, these tails are only a few centimeters long and surgically removed right after being born and it does not affect the health of the child later.