Will humans migrate near the black hole in the end of the universe?

Black holes create conditions for life to form if there is a planet orbiting it.

When thinking about a black hole, most of us do not think that life can exist around it. With an event horizon that even light cannot escape, a physical accretion disk of millions of degrees of dust and gas, it is certainly not an ideal place to live.

However, a group of researchers is claiming the opposite. They say black holes create conditions for life to form if there is a planet orbiting it like in the movie "Interstellar". Although so far, no black hole has been identified to have planets orbiting, but let us consider this interesting hypothesis.

Picture 1 of Will humans migrate near the black hole in the end of the universe?
A planet orbiting a black hole may be a place to support life.

Research is posted on arXiv. The authors explain that life can only flourish in places of "temperature difference". Like on Earth, we get this condition from the heat of the Sun and the other is an extremely cold vacuum. If a planet exists around a black hole, everything will be the opposite. It has a "cold sun" and an extremely hot vacuum.

Unlike its name, black holes are the brightest objects in the universe . It burns gas and matter into an accretion disk. However, if it were an old black hole, it would have a temperature near absolute zero (-273.25 o C) and act as a "cold sun".

"We need a pretty old black hole. Its surroundings include accretion disks that have been cleared and sucked into nothing more" , Professor Tomáš Opatrný, from Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic said.

The temperature near the absolute zero level of the black hole is compared to the rest of the universe after the Big Bang. The cosmic background radiation maintains a "heat" of 2.7 K, equivalent to -270 ° C. Even so, if an Earth-sized planet orbits a black hole, it is in the heat difference to produce 900 W useful energy for primitive life exists.

Not stopping there, if we go back to the first 15 million years after the Big Bang, cosmic background radiation is still hotter, about 300 K (27 ° C). If so, the black hole's thermal difference could produce 130 GW of energy. This figure is only 1 part per million of the Sun provides us, however, enough for more complex life to exist.

Picture 2 of Will humans migrate near the black hole in the end of the universe?
Planet "Miller Planet" and Gargantua black hole in the film Interstellar.

The last hypothesis is bringing us back to the scenario of the movie "Interstellar". A planet with the nickname "Miller Planet" , where Dr. Moss landed, was orbiting a fictional black hole called Gargantua. The distance too close to the black hole causes time to expand, an hour on the planet equals 7 years on Earth.

In the new study, the authors also note that "Miller Planet" , just like the screenplay, cannot support life. " However, if we are in a more orbit from the center of Gargantua, we can find true living conditions."

Talking about finding such a planet in reality, the researchers think that it is now unnecessary. We have many life-support planets orbiting stars. However, if in a much farther future, when the stars have burned away the material, the last remaining place that human beings or a higher creature can come, can only be around the black hole. .