Women gain weight because they are lazy to do housework

Besides unreasonable diets, being lazy to do housework is also the reason for the increasing number of obese women.

Dr. Edward Archer and a colleague from the University of South Carolina (USA) conducted a study on the housework time of thousands of American women starting from 1965 to 2010.

Picture 1 of Women gain weight because they are lazy to do housework
Lazy housework is one of the reasons why many women are obese.

As a result, the team found that American women in 1965 spent an average of 25.7 hours per week doing housework, including washing clothes, cooking and cleaning homes. By 2010, everything had completely changed and women had only averaged 13.3 hours per week to do housework.

Based on the results of the time difference between home and work between two generations, Dr. Edward Archer calculated that today's women burn 360 fewer calories every day than women in the 1960s. It is disappointing that women today spend most of their free time watching TV.

In 1965, women spent only eight hours a week watching their favorite television shows. But by 2012, women spent up to 16.5 hours / week to watch TV. This trend makes the amount of calories that women burn less and less.

To avoid the risk of obesity, Dr. Edward Archer advises women to start looking for ways to increase daily activity time, such as walking to the post office, doing housework, playing with dogs, . instead of sitting and watching TV.