10 interesting things about AK gun father

Mikhail Kalashnikov, the father of an AK-47 rifle, had just died on December 23, taking 94 years of age. Since 2009, his mainstream invention product has been reproduced more than 100 million times, making it the world's most popular gun. But this is just one of many interesting information regarding this legendary man.

>>>Legendary father of AK-47 Kalashnikov dies

1. Kalashnikov has aspired to become a poet. As a child, he loved machines, but also liked poetry. He wrote many poems while alive, in addition to 6 books.

2. He used to catch a car from Siberia to his hometown. Kalashnikov was born in Kurya, but his family was deported to Siberia by the government when he was still very young. When he was in grade 7, he left home to return to Kurya. He did this by hitchhiking, traveling almost 1,000 km.

3. Kalashnikov's son is also a famous figure in the field of weapons. He had 4 children with Ekaterina's wife Viktorovna Moiseyeva. Their youngest child, Victor, is a weapons expert who invented the famous PP-19 Bizon submachine.

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Kalashnikov and the legendary AK that he created

4. Kalashnikov was injured in the army. He joined the army at the age of 19 and served in an armored tank division, where he invented many devices to help improve tank operations. In once involved in fighting against the Nazis at the Bryansk battle, he was injured. While recovering from his injuries, Kalashnikov began making weapons and jobs that changed his life.

5 . The AK-47 was named after Kalashnikov's "nail" invention . The name AK-47 stands for 'Avtomat Kalashnikov 1947.' Avtomat in Russian means 'automatic' and 1947 is the year Kalashnikov invented the gun, at the age of 28.

6. He has a line of vodka with his name. This wine is called Kalashnikov vodka, produced in St. Petersburg. Petersburg, using water from Lake Ladoga and is considered a luxury export. This wine is one degree stronger than vodka, sometimes the difference is called "military power".

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Mr. Mikhail Kalashnikov when he was young

7. Kalashnikov does not make guns for money . At the time of his life, he always insisted that money was not important to himself. He built guns to protect the country. He built his first gun because he could not bear the Russian defeat in the early period of World War II, when faced with better equipped Germans. " I don't like luxury," Kalashnikov said. "I pursue a simple, kind life."

8. Kalashnikov likes to hunt. As a child, Kalashnikov hunted with his father to feed his family. In his later life, he still loved hunting. Each year he hunted elk and only stopped this activity when he entered the age of 90.

9. He has a very big family . Kalashnikov is the 17th child in the family with 19 children. Only 8 of them survived to adulthood. At the age of 6, Kalashnikov almost died of severe illness.

10. Kalashnikov felt sorry for terrorism using his weapons. At the age of 92, Kalashnikov said he was proud of his invention, but if he were to do it again, he would invent something less destructive. "I like to invent a machine that people can use to help farmers work. Such as a lawn mower."

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Mikhail Kalashnikov used to be sad because AK guns were used for bad purposes

In an interview with the Associated Press in 2006, Kalashnikov said: "Every time I look at the TV and see the weapon I created to protect the motherland in the hands of those Bin Laden guys, I wonder. I asked the same question: "How do guns get into their hands?".

But he insisted that he did not regret creating AK, as well as bad guys using it. " I don't put a gun in the hands of bandits and terrorists. I'm not at fault when the gun spreads out of control around the globe. Am I the one who needs to admit it, only for people? Do we see the gun as the most reliable weapon? "

One more thing Kalashnikov does not regret is that he did not register to protect the AK-47 gun copyright.'At that time, patent registration was not a big problem in my country " - he explained in 2006 - " We work for socialist, for the benefit of the people and so I have never regretted it. "