10 inventive inventions
Besides countless inventions with many dangerous aspects, there are always harmless inventions that benefit people.
List of dreamy inventions in the future
10. Travel between stars

A model of a spacecraft.(Photo: nytimes)
Interstellar travel with space spacecraft is an indispensable topic in science fiction. However, this is much more difficult than traveling between planets because the travel distance is many times larger. Imagine you can go to distant worlds, discover new horizons and dominate the universe in the blink of an eye.
Can that come true? The NASA Physics Research Program (BPP) recognizes that to make interstellar travel a reality, there are two important discoveries:
- The launch method helps to create the maximum possible speed.
- New method to create energy for flying devices throughout the journey.
9. Create Earth

Conquer Mars.(Photo: ListVerse)
The creation of the Earth on the assumption is the process of interfering with the atmosphere, temperature, terrain or ecosystem of a planet to create a planet identical to Earth, making it a living place. of human.
The ambition to annex the whole universe can only be achieved when this becomes a reality and is it not the greatest dream of mankind?
So can this be done? Of course, it is theoretically possible and will need to complete these two steps:
- Ecological synthesis: This is the term that describes the use of alien organisms to fill ecological drives in an interrupted environment, in order to increase the speed of the ecological restoration process.
- Creating a small-scale Earth (paraterraforming): This is the process of building an isolated ecological zone that grows bigger over time in order to cover most of the available areas of the planet.
8. Space elevator

Space elevator.(Photo: ListVerse)
Space elevators are proposed structures to transport materials from a planet in the solar system to outer space. This term often refers to a link between the Earth's surface, Earth's synchronous orbit (GSO) and the non-weight environment further. This device facilitates the construction in the universe, launches satellites and astronauts (via the 'slingshot effect').
This can become a reality and the most talked about theory is using zipper . This rope will be extended between a position near the equator and a point outside the Earth sync path. When the Earth turns, the inertia at the tip helps to neutralize gravity as well as stretch the cable. Vehicles can move on cables without the help of rocket launchers
7. Energy shield

Energy shield (Photo: ListVerse)
An energy shield is a force field designed to resist bullets or elements by reflecting or absorbing them. This force field is spread on the surface or occupies the space around the object to be protected and operated by absorbing or dissipating the energy of the attacks. When the attack is long, the force field will weaken and eventually be destroyed, making the protected area easily abused.
Scientists are studying the feasibility of the energy shield but the possibility of this becoming a reality is very difficult and there are many obstacles to overcome. It is energy, cost and technology. When people can release energy in solid form, this invention will officially go down in history.
6. Panacea

Will the panacea become a reality?(Photo: ListVerse)
Panacea will be a panacea and prolong life. It will be the cure for cancer, AIDS, viruses and all diseases in the world. After many millennia is considered a fantasy dream, the possibility of becoming reality of panacea is brighter thanks to the development of human medicine, at least in theory. The advancement of medicine in genetics (more precisely the interplay between the environment and the genes) and the human immune system are increasingly reinforcing this idea.
5. Anti-gravity

Gravity suppression system.(Photo: ListVerse)
Gravity is the idea of creating a place or an object that is not affected by gravity . It does not mean resisting gravity by a force of another nature, such as the way a balloon flies up in the air. Instead, antigravity causes gravity to be annihilated or lost. using some kind of technology intervention. The practical application of antigravity will be varied, from reducing transport costs to manipulating gravity in space.
The feasibility of this invention can be considered zero. However, there are a number of theories that confirm or predict the existence of anti-gravity, of which the most common is the theory of the Biefeld-Brown effect . Seriously, although this effect is not anti-gravity but it does bring about duplication. A positive charge cloud is attracted to the negative electrode and then neutralized. In this process, thousands of collisions occur between charged ions and electrically neutral gas molecules in the gas gap, creating momentum exchange between the two sides. This exchange creates a real directional force on the electrode system.
4. Technical birth

The meeting between the first two people is paired with the machine arm.(Photo AFP)
Technical biology (bionics) is a term that describes the transfer of ideas between biology and technology. There are two slightly different views about the meaning of this term.
In medicine, biochemistry describes the replacement or enhancement of a certain organ's function with mechanical parts of a similar ability. Other biochemical implant surgery involves simply replacing prosthetics in that it can imitate the original or even superior function of the body's original part.
In technology, bioengineering means to develop a technique that mimics the organisms' environmental adaptations. We can include hulls that mimic dolphins' thick skin or underwater navigation systems, radar and medical ultrasound by mimicking bat's echolocation.
3. Wireless networks in cities across the globe

Global wireless network.(Photo: ListVerse)
Urban wireless networks are the concept of turning an entire city into a wireless access area, with the ultimate goal of enabling wireless Internet access anywhere in the world. Broadband Internet will be provided to most or all urban areas by creating a wireless network that uses hundreds of routers installed outdoors, usually on telephone poles. Service provider (ISP) in charge of network operations.
In fact, this technology has existed in many cities around the world. However, it is still not popular enough to be considered a mainstream trend. The installation and operation of urban wireless networks is often undertaken by a private company in coordination with local authorities. Investment costs for the project are often shared between the two parties. When in operation, this service can be provided free of charge (due to advertising profit support), monthly fee collection or coordination of such forms.
2. Tunnel across the Atlantic Ocean

Model of transatlantic tunnels.(Photo: ListVerse)
The Atlantic tunnel is a theoretical tunnel that will extend across the Atlantic, connecting Europe and North America.Trains are the main means of transportation mentioned in the proposals related to this tunnel due to its ability to transport large volumes of passengers and cargo. Using advanced technology, the speed in the tunnel can be up to 500 - 8000 km / h. This means moving from New York to London in less than an hour. Cargo transport between the two continents is also minimized in terms of time and cost. Obviously such a tunnel has tremendous significance.
However, such tunnel construction plans stop at the idea step and no one intends to pursue such a large project. The main barrier here is cost, which can reach 12 trillion dollars, and the limitations of the material science industry at this time. A transatlantic tunnel will be 215 times longer and build costs 3,000 times the longest tunnel in the world today.
1. Colonize the ocean

City model on the seabed.(Photo: fulbrightmemorialfund)
With an extremely large area, covering most of the surface of the Earth, turning the ocean into human habitation is a legitimate need.Oceanic residential models can be built on the surface, bottom or exist in an intermediate position in the ocean. The benefits of this can include the increase in the living area for people and the ability to exploit resources. Many lessons learned when taking over the ocean can be applied when people enter the space.
This project is feasible but economic factors must be carefully considered. Although living on the sea does not cost the land, building a floating structure on the sea also has its price. So in order to maintain existence, an oceanic settlement needs to produce certain products that have a distinct advantage for its oceanic existence. One of the most practical possibilities is tidal electricity exports.
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