11 interesting scientific facts

Busy life makes it easy to forget that there are many interesting surprises around us. Here are the amazing facts that many people still think are science fiction.

Picture 1 of 11 interesting scientific facts
The human brain receives 11 million information per second but is only aware of 40 information

Picture 2 of 11 interesting scientific facts
If you drill a tunnel through the earth and jump into it, you will take exactly 42 minutes and 12 seconds to pierce it

Picture 3 of 11 interesting scientific facts
A charged cloud with a medium size weighs 80 elephants

Picture 4 of 11 interesting scientific facts
The energy of a small enough baked clay cooked 100,000 loaves of bread

Picture 5 of 11 interesting scientific facts
Gorillas and potatoes are more than human 2 chromosomes

Picture 6 of 11 interesting scientific facts
Human saliva contains an analgesic called opiorphin, which is 6 times stronger than morphine

Picture 7 of 11 interesting scientific facts
On average, people change their skin more than 900 times

Picture 8 of 11 interesting scientific facts
The air in a medium-sized room weighs about 45kg

Picture 9 of 11 interesting scientific facts
Lava can flow quickly with sprint dogs

Picture 10 of 11 interesting scientific facts
It takes 20 seconds for a red blood cell to travel along the blood circulation

Picture 11 of 11 interesting scientific facts
The most powerful creature on earth is gonorrhea.They can pull an object with a mass of 100,000 times its own body mass