33 interesting facts of USD power currency

Do you know that if there is only half of the dollar, you will be able to exchange a new currency intact.

Interesting facts of the "power" USD currency

As the most powerful currency and also the most popular currency in the world, only a small change from this currency will greatly affect the global economic picture. Recently, FED intended to raise USD interest rate has made many economies "sweaty" but fortunately, FED has postponed its decision.

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The USD 10,000 is the highest denomination currency operated by the federal government in the national monetary system.

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Coins introduced by the federal government for the first time after the civil war exploded in denominations of 3, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50 cents.

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The amount of printed USD 1 accounts for about 45% of the amount of national money printed.

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The 25-cent coin has 119 slits on the edge.

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The Latin word under the pyramid on a $ 1 sheet means "the rule of the new age".

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90% of USD paper money is impregnated with cocaine.

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A stack of paper money about a mile high is worth about $ 14.5.

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All bank notes are made of synthetic materials of cotton and linen.

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The life of the 10 USD dong is about 3.6 years.

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Counterfeit dollars are often discovered because they are even printed better than real money.