4 unforgettable deaths in history

"Fog of death", "dark day" . are scary disasters recorded in human history .

History has seen many disasters caused by nature and human error. These disasters have caused many people to lose, thousands and tens of thousands of people have to die .

Review some of the unforgettable deaths in human history through the summary of the ATII page below.

1. 'Dark Day' in New England

On May 19, 1780, the sky of the states of New England (USA) and parts of Canada suddenly became unusually black. People are extremely panicked. People have to travel by candle light at noon. A few days earlier, people noted that the color of the Sun and the Moon became red. Wells and rivers are full of soot.

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At this time, when science was not developed, many people explained this phenomenon according to spiritual factors. Some states in the region have explained the darkness as an omen, many others claim that it is the trial of Salem witch.

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However, more than 200 years later, the researchers finally came up with the reason why "Dark Day" happened. It was the result of a fierce wildfire that broke out from Canada. The large smoke pillars billowed to the upper atmosphere, accompanied by a thick fog and cloud cover that caused the phenomenon of the dark sky in New England.

2. Super volcanic disaster in Indonesia

The 1810 - 1819 decade was considered one of the periods when the climate became the coldest in Earth's history. Unexpectedly, it was during such a condition that the volcano of Tambora in Indonesia woke up and acted strongly. The consequences of this volcanic eruption made the world flinch for almost a year.

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Smoke columns. Tambora's ash enters the atmosphere, increasing sunlight reflection from Earth, causing many places to not receive enough heat, becoming even colder.

Even the Pennsylvania River was frozen in mid-August. Therefore, it was called that fate of 1816 as 'the year without summer'.

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The sulfur-rich atmosphere covering months in cities around the world has caused many people to suffer from respiratory diseases and lung infections. After the disaster, crop and environment were destroyed, the number of people died of food shortages reached 82,000 people. This is considered the biggest volcanic eruption event that history has recorded until now.

3. Messina earthquake in Italy

In the early morning of December 28, 1908, an earthquake of 7.5 Richter occurred in the Messina strip, separating Sicily and Calabria from Italy. The ground vibrated for about 40 seconds before completely collapsing the buildings within a 300km radius around it.

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It did not stop there, a 12m high tsunami with strong devastation continued to land in these cities just minutes after the earthquake. As a result, 91% of the structures in Messina were destroyed and about 70,000 residents died.

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The corpses of the victims of the earthquake in Messina

The earthquake was particularly devastating because all the people of the city did not have any preparation to protect themselves from the disaster. Heavy roofs and soft ground buried many families under the rubble.

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Messina residents survived temporarily in the hut

They lay under the rubble for several days before waiting for the rescue team to rescue. The fortunate Messina residents must also move to settle in other cities.

4. "Death fog" in Donora

In 1948, a "dead fog" appeared, covering the small town of Donora, Pennsylvania. According to the study, this "fog" originates from a metallurgical factory and the pollutant emissions from the factory spread, surrounding the town.

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Along with the cold weather, the pollution is more severe because the air pollution is dry and not able to escape. Many residents, the town of Donora, became a sauna with many toxic caustic gases. This condition lasts 5 days until a rain appears and cleans the air.

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The fog caused 20 people to die from asphyxiation in the first 5 days, and 30 others died in the week due to complications. Hundreds of wild animals were killed and more than half of Donora's population of 14,000 were diagnosed with permanent lung damage.

Awareness of this danger, many laws on air pollution are passed and environmental protection agencies are born.