7 horrible truths about cyanide - poison that is covering Tianjin

Find interesting facts about the poison that covers the whole Tianjin area after the explosion.

What is Cyanide and how "terrible" is it?

Chinese authorities warn cyanide levels in the surrounding water where the explosion occurred in Tianjin are 356 times higher than allowed.

With such excessive limit, many people are concerned that the poison cyanide (or cyanide, cyanide) will greatly affect the water source and soil resources, threatening the lives of the people around here. .

1. Cyanide is one of the most toxic substances on Earth

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Just about 50 - 200mg of cyanide ingested through the mouth is enough to "knock down" a healthy person.

2. Cyanide is the most common chemical in the world

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Cynaua can exist in many forms: solid, liquid, or gas, appearing everywhere: in food, plants, even in cigarettes or smoke from burning plastics.

3. Gas hydrogen cyanide is colorless but bitter like almonds

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.. but only 40% of the world's population can smell this smell.

4. Just inhaling about 0.2% of hydrogen cyanide gas will cause you to die within 1 minute

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Because of the ability to hinder the use of oxygen by the human body, only a small amount can cause brain and heart disturbance and end up meeting with Death.

5. Cyanide kills its own "father"

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First discovered in 1782 but cyanide again caused the famous chemist Karl Scheele's death.

Karl Scheele is a genius pharmacologist who has discovered many elements, the most famous of which is oxygen (although this study was later published by previous scientist Joseph Priestly), molybdenum, tungsten, manganese and chlorine.

In his time, there were no measures to ensure occupational safety as well as not knowing the toxicity of chemicals. Carl also has a bad habit of using all senses to interact with chemicals, especially the sense of smell and taste. During a test of hydrogen cyanide, although he thought he would be safe, due to the simultaneous accumulation of mercury, lead, hydrofluoric acid and some other substances, he died of heavy metal poisoning at age 44. .

6. This type of poison can again be used as an emergency medicine

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7. Fresh bamboo shoots contain very high levels of cyanide - about 230mg per kilogram of bamboo shoots

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If ingested bamboo shoots contain a lot of cyanide, under the action of digestive enzymes, cyanide turns into cyanhydric acid (HCN) - an extremely toxic substance to the body. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and boil fresh bamboo shoots before eating.