90% of paper money in America has traces of cocaine

Each banknote in Europe can contain up to 26,000 bacteria, a number large enough for you to feel nauseous or even sick, while most US banknotes are proven to have traces of cocaine.

Nearly 60% of Europeans think that cash is the dirtiest thing they come into contact with, then go to the railing of the stairs, buttons on payment terminals and books in the library. This is the result of a survey published on March 25. Mastercard credit card company conducted a survey with the participation of 1,000 people in 15 European countries, CNN reported.

More than 83% of respondents believe that cash contains a lot of bacteria. And they were right.

In December 2012, scientists at Oxford University (UK) conducted independent assessments of paper money circulated in European countries. The results showed that, on average, a banknote contained about 26,000 bacteria, a number large enough for you to feel nauseous and possibly even cause illness.

'European perceptions of cash contamination stem from many reasons. The banknotes we tested contained an average of 26,000 bacteria, of which the number of bacteria capable of causing disease was large enough to cause infection ' , Ian Thompson, a professor at Oxford University and who was study the notes, said.

Picture 1 of 90% of paper money in America has traces of cocaine
90% of paper money in the US is believed to have traces of cocaine, a type of addictive substance

Even the freshest and cleanest bills contain up to 2,400 bacteria. The Swiss franc and Danish curon are the two dirtiest currencies in all European currencies.

'Bacteria appear when money passes through many people. Those cash sheets have been circulated for a long time. They are transmitted from one hand to another. So it is inevitable that bacteria accumulate on them , 'said Hany Fam, a member of MasterCard.

Obviously, an international credit card company like MasterCard will gain economic benefits in not using cash in payment.

'I support the use of credit cards. I just want to say that customers are increasingly paying more attention to other forms of payment not only for cleanliness but also for many other reasons such as ease and convenience , 'Mr. Fam said.

A 2002 study also found paper notes containing bacteria laden. More than 80% of the cash that researchers tested contains bacteria that can be harmful to people with low immunity.

7% of bills in the wallet contain bacteria that can cause serious diseases, including staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia. Only 7% of invoices do not contain bacteria.

Another study conducted in 2008 at the University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland, showed that some flu virus cells can survive up to 17 days on Swiss banknotes, according to SmartMoney.com.

So we have to do?To prevent infection, scientists advise you to take basic hygiene measures, such as limiting hand contact with eyes, nose and mouth; Always wash your hands often. However, these measures cannot completely prevent bacterial infection from illegal banknotes.

Last year, three employees at the Michigan Circle K store got sick after exposure to methamphetamine (a form of synthetic drug) on ​​banknotes.

Cocaine is also a common infectious agent in the United States. A study by scientists at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth showed that up to 90% of paper money circulating in the United States has traces of cocaine.