A 60m high 'destructive' tsunami could hit Australia

Experts have warned that Australia was hit by a terrible tsunami is just a matter of time, the Daily Mail reported.

Australia's coastal cities have recently been 'lucky' because they are not attacked by tsunamis, experts say.

Picture 1 of A 60m high 'destructive' tsunami could hit Australia
60m high tsunami can attack Australia at any time.(Illustration).

In the past, tsunamis were so high that they covered the 60-meter cliffs and brought seawater into the land for up to 50 km.

Dale Dominey-Howes, co-director of the Australian Tsunami Research Center at the University of New South Wales, said the tsunami is a real threat to Australian cities.

"If the tsunami happens on a summer Saturday afternoon without warning, the impact will be horrifying," he told Australian Geographic. 'I think it's just a matter of time before we get hit by something that's damaging.'

A catastrophic event of this type may not be discovered until the last minute.

Tsunamis usually occur after earthquakes and landslides. However, they can also be triggered by meteorites falling - which is difficult to detect before.

Picture 2 of A 60m high 'destructive' tsunami could hit Australia
Sydney city of Australia.

Tsunami expert Dr. Ted Bryant believes that tsunami detection systems are hard to detect falling comets or meteorites, which can cause giant waves.

Dr. Bryant found evidence that the giant tsunami once devastated Australia's east coast throughout history.

He believes that a tsunami hit the Shoalhaven River Delta from 4,000 to 5,000 years ago, causing the sea to spread 10km into the mainland.

Evidence shows that tsunamis also poured into the Blue Mountains, 50km deep inland.

Another tsunami occurred in 1491, 60 meters high, but did not go deep inland, Dr. Bryant said.

The Australian coast is monitored 24 hours a day for tracing the tsunami. As noted, tsunamis are only recorded every two years in Australia.

Although rare, tsunamis are still a threat to swimmers because they can generate abnormal waves, tides and dangerous currents.