African gorillas: 98% of genes are like human genes

African gorillas have 98% of genes similar to human genes, while Indian short-tailed monkeys have 93% of the same genes as humans. A group of 35 laboratories recently revealed a transgenic Indian tailed macaque last week.

Indian short-tailed macaque is widely distributed throughout Asia, and is one of 22 types of short-tailed monkeys in the world. Indian short-tailed macaque is the third primate to be genetically engineered by scientists.

In 2003, the researchers decoded the human gene sequence in detail, and then the scientists successfully decoded the African black gorilla gene sequence in 2005. With three of its genetic sequences. humans, African black gorillas and Indian short-tailed macaque in their hands, scientists can study the genetic parts and exotic genes of primates compared to humans.

The comparison results show that African gorillas have 98% of genes similar to human genes, while Indian tailed macaque has 93% of the same genes as humans. The African gorilla also has a genome closer to humans than the Indian short-tailed monkey.

Picture 1 of African gorillas: 98% of genes are like human genes

African gorillas have 98% of genes like human genes

The results of the study provide a deeper step into studying the evolutionary history of mankind, the lineage of African black gorillas and people separated about 6 million years ago, while the short-tailed macaque strain India and the people separated 19 million years ago.

Research results are an important impact on the development of both the pharmaceutical industry and the basic field of research.

Hung Thang