Aircraft crashed into turtles more than crashed into drones

Since 1990, there have been 198 collisions between aircraft and turtles in the US but there has never been a collision between aircraft and drones.

Recently, due to concerns about collisions between aircraft and drones (US drones), the US Federal Aviation Administration has ruled that all drones weighing more than 220g must be required. register with the government before February 19, 2016. However, if the FAA wants to protect the aircraft, apart from the drone they will have to ban . turtles.

Picture 1 of Aircraft crashed into turtles more than crashed into drones
If the FAA wants to protect the aircraft, apart from the drone they will have to ban the turtle.

According to Eli Dourado's statistics at the Mercatus Center, based on FAA data, there have been 198 collisions between aircraft and turtles since the US since 1990, but there has never been a collision between aircraft and drones. The aircraft and drone just stopped at the level of encounters, the pilots discovered unmanned aircraft approaching but never happened to collide.

Dourado said FAA data showed that aircraft collided with many other animals from birds to mammals and reptiles. He chose turtles as a comparison with drone because he found this comparison quite funny.

Picture 2 of Aircraft crashed into turtles more than crashed into drones
Drones weighing less than 1.3kg cannot harm an aircraft with a small bird.

Previous research has shown that drones weighing less than 1.3kg cannot harm an aircraft with a small bird, especially if flying at an altitude of less than 122 meters and at a distance of 8km from an airplane.

However, forcing users to register for drones is a reasonable move by the FAA in the current turmoil. FAA fears terrorist organizations use drones for aircraft attacks or gun attacks . Turtles can appear at the airport but the drone does not.