Amazing world of Komodo dragons

Komodo Dragon Island or Komodo National Park is an island located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago, between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. What makes this island famous and attracting more and more visitors is that the only surviving special animal here - strange Komodo dragons.

The largest lizard species on the planet

Komodo dragons are the largest and largest lizards of all species remaining on Earth. It can be more than 3 meters long, weighs 166 kg and is a terrible predator for many animals. There is information (but not yet verified) that there are Komodo dragons living in northern Australia's tropical forests three times as large as the Komodo dragon in Indonesia, which is nearly 10 meters long. Scientists have discovered fossils of Komodo dragons in the state of Queenland (Australia) and they are thought to have disappeared about 19,000 years ago, about twice the size of the komodo dragon now living.


Picture 1 of Amazing world of Komodo dragons

Komodo dragons are professional predators and they are enemies of species, from small as a rat to as large as a buffalo. Even humans are always obsessed with their enormous size and terrible bite. There have been attacks on Komodo dragons and cannibalism. Indonesian authorities said that a Swiss tourist was sitting alone while his companion group continued on its journey to discover dragon island, when suddenly he was attacked and eaten. People only found his camera on the beach. One fisherman while looking for food on Komodo Island, was killed and eaten in March 2009.

Own the perfect digestive machine

The main dish of Komodo dragons is mainly deer and wild boars, but they can attack any child when hungry. The amazing thing about this dragon is that it can eat up to 80% of its body weight at once. For example, their weight is 150kg and it can eat about 120kg of meat.

Although there are no teeth like crocodiles or other first-class predators such as lions and tigers, Komodo dragons can easily tear a buffalo in a few hours. What's even more amazing is that they eat everything from fur, skin, meat, bones, to nails. The reason is that they contain digestive fluids like snakes to consume hard things like bones.

Saliva contains deadly bacteria

Picture 2 of Amazing world of Komodo dragons

Komodo dragons often drool a lot and the saliva is like poison because it contains many dangerous bacteria.

Scientists at the University of Texas identified 57 different types of bacteria in the wild dragon's mouth. When bitten, the untreated wound will die. Although it may not defeat large prey like buffaloes and cows immediately, any bite will cause prey infection. At that time, they just stick to the prey to anywhere and after only a few days, or weeks, the prey dies and they come to eat meat.

Recent studies have found that the venom glands in the dragon's mouth emit an anticoagulant in the wound, which causes the prey of the prey to bleed more and make the prey rapidly weaken. . When the prey is weak enough by infection and poison, it will come to destroy and eat meat.

However, this dragon species has the ability to autoimmune with co-bite wounds. For example, when a male wants to attack another male to rob his partner or territory, he will fight to the end to protect the benefits, in the battle, when it is injured, their immune system is strong enough to resist bacteria and make the wound quick.

The most special tongue in the animal

The hearing of Komodo dragons is really insensitive. Although it has a fairly large ear, it can only hear sounds from 400-2000 hertz. The komodo dragon also only hears sounds from up to 300m away.

Because the retina only contains nones, the dragon's vision is also poor. In return, it has a versatile tongue, used to detect, evaluate food (taste) and stimulate the sense of smell. The Komodo dragon's blade is very long, can reach up to 10 cm and this powerful blade can determine rotten corpses 4-9.5 km away.


Picture 3 of Amazing world of Komodo dragons

Komodo dragons are cold-blooded reptiles, so like reptiles, they often minimize activity until needed. However, like alligators, Komodo dragons can summon energy to speed up when hunting or fleeing enemies and it can run at 20km / h. Komodo dragons are also talented swimmers, and can dive deep 4.5m. In addition, it also climbed quite professionally, especially at a young age thanks to the extremely strong and sharp claws.

Dragon eggs will grow up over time

Unlike other species, the dragon's eggs are tough and sticky like rubber and grow when the dragons inside grow. Each time the female usually leaves 20 eggs in the nest, she is buried.

Surprisingly, the eggs near hatching will be 50% larger than when the eggs are laid. And it takes about 8 months for the baby dragon to grow and hatch in April every year.

The dragon came out by using a special sharp tooth called 'egg teeth' and the tooth would break as soon as the dragon began its free life. As soon as it was born, it was not protected by her mother and had to feed herself. Because of that, most are eaten by enemies.

Komodo dragons usually take 3-5 years to mature and reach maturity at 8 or 9 years old. This species usually has a lifespan of 30 years but can live up to 50 years.


Picture 4 of Amazing world of Komodo dragons

Dragon has no natural enemies. Their biggest threat is other dragons. Komodo dragons that are less than 2 years old often spend most of their time in the trees defending themselves. The reason is that older children often hunt them to eat meat. Even even adult dragons often find a way to make a big fellow with it if it has a chance. Scientists estimate that about 10% of the adult dragon's food is from smaller dragon meat.


Because Komodo dragons are reptilian, aggressive and very dangerous, they are not domesticated like other carnivorous mammals although they can be raised in zoos.

Currently in the wild there are a total of 4,000-5,000 Komodo dragons but there are concerns that only about 300 females are fertile.

The number of Komodo dragons has not changed much since they appeared but because their ecosystems are narrowed due to human encroachment, volcanic eruptions and forest fires, they are vulnerable, due to their yet they need to be protected.