Are we more like father or mother?

Although there is an equal amount of gene variation from parents, humans inherit the chromosome (DNA) from their father more.

Professor Fernando Pardo - Manuel de Villena, head of the research team at the University of North Carolina (USA), said that genetically, most people are more like father than mother.

In this study, the scientists chose three varieties of mice with different types of genes. They are bred to create 9 types of pups. All pups inherit their parents' genetic genes.

Picture 1 of Are we more like father or mother?
If genetically, we are more like dads than mothers.(Photo: KS).

When the young mice mature, the team measured gene expression in four different types of tissue. Among them is the RNA (genetic base at the molecular level) technology that determines gene expression in the brain. Next is to quantify the genetic information inherited from parents in each gene in the mouse's DNA.

The results show that there is an imbalance in pups when they inherit more brain genes from their fathers. That means the genes in the offspring may differ depending on the ability to inherit from a parent.

Professor Fernando said, genetic changes from parents help identify who we are. This is important for detecting signs and treating diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. If we inherited the gene carrying the disease from the mother, it might not be as strong as the gene from the father. Therefore, the genes change badly even though they are the same but will have different effects depending on the inheritance from the mother or father.

"This is the first study to show that mammalian genes are more genetic from their father than their mothers. That will open the door to a new era of human genetic discovery ," he said.