Building materials from chicken feathers

A Filipino professor studied the type of plank made of chicken feathers. The invention could make a breakthrough in the construction industry in Asia.

According to Menandro Acda professor, from the University of Forestry and Natural Resources, this material - made from cement and chicken feather pressed - can be widely used in house construction, replacing existing pressed woods. This is easily damaged by insects, because insects (like termites) do not eat chicken feathers.

Professor Acda claims that chicken feather board can be used to make ceilings and partitions. In addition, this material is also non-flammable or flammable as synthetic boards made of conventional cement and wood fibers.

Picture 1 of Building materials from chicken feathers

However, materials will not replace the bearing components of houses such as walls or columns.

Besides these advantages, Acda's invention also utilizes 2.4 million tons of chicken feathers released by the Philippine poultry industry each year and will be less harmful to the environment than the treatment methods. Common waste management such as burning, burying or recycling as animal feed.

Acda hopes to complete the chicken feather board later this year, when he will publish his report.