Can humans dodge bullets?

The MythBusters test will verify the speed of the bullet or the speed of the body's reflection, who will be the winner. However, this is a very dangerous test, you should only see the reference, should not be done at home.

Do you still remember the moment Neo (Keanu Reeves) character dodged in the Matrix movie? This scene seems to have become a legend, making a name for the three sequels of the Matrix movie, even now it still looks "magic" when viewed again. But in real life, can we avoid a bullet? Can human reflexes overcome a flying bullet at high speed?

To seek answers, Adam Savage and Jamie Hynerman, who made the famous science program MythBusters (Discovery Channel), conducted a genuine experiment but replaced real bullets with paper bullets to ensure safety. .

Picture 1 of Can humans dodge bullets?
This scene seems to have become a legend.

According to the division of work, Jamie will try to dodge bullets fired from Adam's sniper rifle. The first test took place at a distance of 180m and as a result Jamie could not avoid the bullet. After that, they experimented with a distance of 365m, despite trying hard but Jamie failed in an attempt to avoid the bullet.

Adam and Jamie later exchanged roles for each other but the results were the same. Previously, both experimented with dodging bullets in room conditions and giving positive results, because they could see the light before the bullet flew out clearly. In fact, this light is very small and is affected by natural light.

Finally they experimented with a longer distance of 457m. This time, Jamie was able to avoid the bullet fired from Adam's gun. However, the two were not satisfied with this experiment because it was arranged so they could see the light before the bullet flew out best. In addition, Jamie's reflexes were getting faster and faster after each training to avoid bullets, which was also a contributing factor to successful testing.