Can people travel through time?

Travel through time is a fascinating fictional episode in many sci-fi films. Scientists believe that it is possible in practice and that according to the laws of physics, traveling to the future seems more feasible than going back in time to the past.

The Science website quoted Edward Farhi, director of the Center for Theoretical Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), emphasizing: 'Changing the running speed of the clock really matches the laws of physics. . You can absolutely jump to the future. '

Picture 1 of Can people travel through time?

However, according to Mr. Farhi, most physicists think that we can travel to the future, while returning to the past is more complicated and complicated.

The idea of ​​traveling through time stems from Einstein's theory of relativity, which states the shift of time to be relative, depending on how fast you move. The faster you move, the more time it seems to slow down. That means, a person traveling on an ultra-fast spacecraft will experience a two-week trip that seems to last 20 years with people on Earth.

In theory, just like that, a person who wants to travel to a certain time in the future just needs to use a means of transport that is fast enough to erase a certain period of time.

Even so, this kind of time manipulation only affects the forward movement of time. No matter how fast your speed is, time will only advance to the future. For this reason, scientists cannot predict how humans can return to the past.

Some anomalous solutions to Einstein's equations reveal, traveling back in time to the past may occur, but to do so may require the energy of about ½ the universe and the universe to be possible. The power is destroyed in the process.

And even if science can find a way to turn the past back into reality, there are still countless logical paradoxes to solve.

'For example, when you go back in time, you can prevent your parents from coming together and giving birth to you. That may be the end point for all , 'Mr. Farhi said.