Date of birth affects each person's fate?

Over the years of research, scientists have discovered many things between birth and longevity, mental health, vision, overweight, optimism or pessimism, and even how many many children .

Based on the statistics of birth and appearance, personality, disease, fate . people have found certain relationships between birth date and fate of each person.

Picture 1 of Date of birth affects each person's fate?

In the first months of a mother's pregnancy, environmental factors (weather, food, seasonal infections) have important effects on the fetus differently.

Of course, no one can say which month is the best month but can only assume that every month has its advantages and disadvantages, this benefit is on the other hand harmful. The thing is knowing what can happen, you can adjust your lifestyle and actively deal with problems.

Children born in the winter

Most left-handed people are born in the coldest months of December, January and February (and according to the weather, these are the months with the lowest temperature so Europeans set it to winter) .

Children born in winter grow up often tend to suffer from cardiovascular disease - according to researchers from Bristol and Edinburgh University (United Kingdom). The risk of cardiovascular disease in "winter children " is 24% higher than children born in other seasons.

Picture 2 of Date of birth affects each person's fate?
Children born in winter often have good eyesight

At the same time, in the winter, mothers have to suffer from cold, so a high-fat diet also helps mothers with high blood fat . So if you have to be born in the winter, mothers should pay special attention to dieting.

According to psychologists, winter-born people are often successful people. They are dynamic, talented and have the will. They know how to work, be confident in their actions, take the initiative to remove difficulties on the road and thus succeed easily.

However, children born in winter are usually proud and stubborn. From a young age they often argued back to their parents, not easily admit mistakes, difficult to work in groups and often build families late.

Children born in the spring

Children born in the spring (March, April and May) are very sensitive to the weather, are more susceptible to colds, allergies, or sickness than children born in other seasons. Therefore, the order of mother must pay more attention to them. Pay attention to the daily weather forecast to help them cope promptly.

Picture 3 of Date of birth affects each person's fate? Spring-born children are more likely to become chess champions

Psychologists believe that people born in the spring often feel emotionally, indecisive, persuasive and dependent on others. No desire to be leaders. Children born in spring are very easy to tell, obedient, meticulous and listen.

They actually have accurate opinions on many issues but do not want to speak out and implement their intentions, are afraid of debate, easy to live in the collective. The task of parents who give birth in the spring is to pay attention to training them to be confident, proactive, have will and ambition, be patient, dare to dare to bear.

Children born in the summer

Children born in the summer (June, July and August) are optimistic, lucky and funny - this has been proven by Hertfordshire University scientists.

Picture 4 of Date of birth affects each person's fate? Children born in the summer are less likely to suffer from schizophrenia and depression

People born in the summer often appreciate themselves, happy with themselves, so optimistic, love life, always find themselves happy. Psychologists think they are sensitive, kind, generous, impulsive, can be tempered, but not tough or prejudiced.

They are willing to take risks and risks, prefer long trips. Parents of children born in the summer should enable them to participate in social work, volunteer movements, encourage them to defend their weaker classmates.

Children born in the fall

Children born in the fall (September, October and November) will generally live longer than their peers. After analyzing the statistics about the lives of more than 1 million people from Australia to Norway, scientists see that they all have a long life.

Picture 5 of Date of birth affects each person's fate? Fall babies are more likely to live up to 100 years old and become professional baseball athletes

They live tolerantly, always calmly, cautiously and meticulously in their work, solve problems that are usually reasonable and always have prestige in society.

Children born in autumn are diligent in their studies, less aggressive and quarrel with friends, soon understand the value of money and obedience. Parents with children born in the fall have a 'precious material' to create exemplary citizens. Try to guide them in the right direction.