Detecting signs of water on the moon

The latest data and images sent by an American spacecraft show signs of the existence of frozen water on her " Sister Hang "

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft is circling the moon. It has begun to measure the types of radiation emitted by this planet.

' With the new LRO data we can map more to the south pole of the moon. This map will make future moon expeditions easier , 'said Richard Vondrak, a scientist in charge of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter program.

Picture 1 of Detecting signs of water on the moon

Photos taken by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) -(Photos: AP)

According to the AP, the first results from the neutron detector on the ship show that ice and hydrogen gas can exist underneath the eternal dark areas and surrounding areas. The device detects neutrons that detect water or hydrogen by measuring neutron radiation emitted from the moon's surface. If the radiation intensity in an area is lower than in other areas, it is likely that the area has water or hydrogen.

"One of the most important discoveries is that hydrogen not only lies beneath the craters on the moon, but also lurks elsewhere in its eternal dark part ," Vondrak said.

The $ 540 million LRO, about the size of a Mini Cooper car, was launched into orbit on June 18. AP said it will fly around the earth's satellite for a year in search of landing sites for future expeditions, and build new maps of surface, temperature and radiation. of the moon. The LRO also seeks ice in the crater of the eternal dark part of the southernmost.

If the ice actually exists on the moon, humans can make it melt into water. Astronauts can use modern devices to separate hydrogen from water. Hydro will be the fuel in the engine of future moon explorers.