Detecting the first alien planet containing helium

The atmosphere of the outer planet WASP-107b contains many helium to the extent of tens of kilometers.

A group of international astronomers, led by Dr. Jessica Spake from the University of Exeter, UK, today announced the discovery of the WASP-107b planetary outer helium element after more than a decade of searching. This is the first time scientists have discovered helium on a planet outside the solar system.

Picture 1 of Detecting the first alien planet containing helium
Foreign planet WASP-107b.

The research team used NASA to observe extraterrestrial WASP-107b. They discovered the helium element by analyzing the infrared spectrum of the exoplanet's atmosphere. According to Dr. Spake, the lead researcher, this is very difficult for current technology. The new technique has helped scientists detect strong helium signals in the atmosphere of exoplanet WASP-107b.

WASP-107b is one of the lowest gas density planet ever known. It is about the same size as Jupiter but has a mass of only 12%. WASP-107b is about 200 light-years from Earth and takes more than 6 days to orbit its host star.

The amount of helium detected in the atmosphere of WASP-107b is so large that the planet's atmosphere extends tens of kilometers into space. This is also the first time such an extended atmosphere has been detected with an external wavelength. Because the atmosphere expands, the planet loses a significant amount of air out into space when traveling. The WASP-107b estimate has lost about 0.1 to 4% of its total atmospheric volume over billions of years.

Since 2000, scientists have suggested that helium is one of the most easily discovered gases on giant planets. But over the past decade, the search for this element on planets outside the solar system is still unsuccessful.

"Helium is the second most common element in the universe after hydrogen and is one of the main components of Jupiter and Saturn that looks at our solar system. However, this is the first time we have discovered helium. on a planetary planet, " Spake emphasized on the importance of discovery.