Disaster when detonating the most powerful nuclear bomb in the universe

Imagine we detonate an atomic bomb in the universe. Actually, you don't need to imagine, you just need to see the image in the video below.

It was Starfish Prime , the highest-level nuclear test in history.

In 1962, the US government launched a 1.4 megaton bomb from Johnston Island and detonated it at a height of 400km above the Pacific, equivalent to the height of the International Space Station in orbit today.

The explosion created a giant fireball and created an explosive energy called an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP , that spread over 1000 kilometers.

EMP can cause voltage to skyrocket, destroy electronic equipment during the release process. And this time is no exception.

Across Hawaii, street lights are off, phones are disconnected, the navigation and radar systems are not working, not including 6 damaged satellites. All came from a 1.4 megaton bomb.

, the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated, with a 50 megaton explosion. And what happens if we detonate that bomb above America?

Picture 1 of Disaster when detonating the most powerful nuclear bomb in the universe
Radiation from the explosion can burn the circuits of hundreds of devices in Earth's low orbit.

There is no atmosphere in the universe, so there will be no mushroom-shaped clouds, and there will be no impact or damage on a large scale. Instead, you will see a blinding fireball that is four times bigger than the Starfish Prime explosion. And if you look at it directly for the first 10 seconds, you may have permanent eye damage.

The satellites are no longer safe. Radiation from the explosion could burn the circuits of hundreds of Earth's low orbit devices, including communications satellites, military spy satellites, and even space telescopes like Hubble. Astronauts on the International Space Station may be exposed to radiation poisoning.

However, on the ground, you may be fine. Explosive points are far enough away, high energy radiation can affect you. But don't be happy.

Do you remember Starfish Prime's EMP explosion? This time, EMP will cover one-third of the United States, collapsing the electric network and electronic equipment in the area, like a lightning storm. Millions of Americans will fall into power outages for hours, even days. But that is not all.

Radiation also interacts with oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere and creates a wonderful aurora near the explosion area, which lasts for days. This explosion will probably never happen. Super thermonuclear weapons like Tsar Bomba no longer exist. And even if it does, the Tsar Bomba weighs about 27,000kg. Only 2 active missiles in the world can carry such heavy weapons into space. So we can be safe.