Discover the oldest solar system outside the solar system

International astronomers on January 27 said they discovered a new solar system outside the solar system and are made up of five small stone planets. This is the oldest solar system since it was formed 11.2 billion years ago, 6.7 billion years earlier than Earth's solar system.

According to the group of scientists, the planets in the solar system are smaller than Earth with the largest planet the size of Venus and the smallest planet is only slightly smaller than Mercury.

Picture 1 of Discover the oldest solar system outside the solar system

These planets orbiting their stars in orbit only less than a tenth of the distance from the Earth to the Sun, a distance too close to survival. The rotation of these planets is less than 10 days.

Astronomer Daniel Huber of the University of Sydney (Australia) said: "We have never seen any such solar system. The fact that many planets fly around an old star makes this solar system very special".

According to Mr. Huber, the most amazing thing is that there is an old solar system formed at the time of the universe only existed 1/5 of the current age (2.6 billion years).

According to leading scientist at Birmingham University (UK), Mr. Tiago Campante, this new finding will help scientists "better understand the existence of ancient life in the galaxy".

Because this solar system was discovered by NASA's Kepler space probe after more than four years of observation and searching, scientists named the sun Kepler-444 . Scientists participating in the study came from the US, Australia and Europe.

Since its inception in 2009, Kepler has discovered nearly 4,200 celestial bodies, of which more than 1,000 have been identified as planets. The number of 1,000 planets was established by Kepler earlier this month.