Discovering rocks on Mars has the same composition in Earth

After using lasers and X-rays to test a sample of Martian rock, scientists were surprised when the composition of this rock was completely different from the rocks on Mars before and very similar to one Stone at Earth.

The named stone Jake Matijevi c was studied by scientists in September using laser devices and X-rays on the Curiosity board. Unexpectedly, the chemical composition of this rock is very similar to a strange stone once found in islands like Hawaii and St. Louis. Helena of the United States, as well as the Rio Grande continental fissures, stretches from Colorado to Chihuahua (Mexico).

'What we found in this rock is not surprising,' said scientist Curiosity Ralf Gellert, of the University of Guelph, Canada. Formed from molten lava. 'But this seems like a new type of stone we discovered on Mars.'

Picture 1 of Discovering rocks on Mars has the same composition in Earth
Scientists had a surprising discovery when studying Jake Matijevic

Curiosity landed on Mars two months ago to study whether the Earth-like planet in the solar system had life. And last month, Curiosity used laser beams to drill into a rock the same size as a ball for chemical analysis.

Scientists found that this rock lacks magnesium and iron, elements that were previously found by meteorites in the rock. Instead, this rock has a lot of sodium, aluminum and potassium.

'The way this stone forms is like . people produce cider,' said geologist Edward Stolper of California Technology Park in Pasadena. In the past, cider was often produced by putting pure apple juice in large bins and when winter came this solution would freeze partially.

'Then people will take off the ice and you will have an apple-flavored wine , ' Stolper said. Macadamia in the ground also changes according to a similar process. 'When deep in the core of a molten planet, magma will spray on the ground and like cider, when it cools it will harden'.

Currently the ship explored Mars has turned to studying the soil samples collected. Scientists want to bring this soil sample into a laboratory that is mounted on Curiosity to further analyze the chemical composition.