Dog breeds like to use 2 front legs like boxers

The martial arts dog is one of the mightiest dogs of its name, loved by many people. But it is considered one, there have been quite a number of cases of this dog attacking humans.

Picture 1 of Dog breeds like to use 2 front legs like boxers
The martial arts dog has a toned body, yellow or brown fur.

Dog martial artist is a breed of dog originating from Europe. This breed is very agile and hyperactive but also very stubborn and stubborn. The martial arts dog has a toned body, yellow or brown fur, and its spines, square jaw and extremely hearing ears.

The white boxer dog is not recognized as a purebred dog. Dogs with this color are often deaf. When the martial arts dog is 6 weeks old, people often tap their tail. The life of a martial arts dog is from 11 years to 15 years.

The martial arts dog loves to use the front legs like the boxers, so it has such a special name. Human martial arts dogs are trained to guard, protect, assist police, military, search and rescue .