Domestic Taipan: The venomous snake kills 100 people at once

Living primarily in inland areas of Australia, this world's most terrifying animal can kill 100 people after 45 minutes of biting.

Australia is one of the natural "houses" of many of the world's most terrifying venom animals.

There are hundreds of poisonous creatures living on land, underwater in Australia that can burn and attack people.

The terrible names that haunt the people of this country include Sydney hopper tongue spiders, red-backed spiders, box jellyfish, sea snakes, large green-spotted octopus, conical snails, Eastern brown snakes .

Picture 1 of Domestic Taipan: The venomous snake kills 100 people at once
From left to right, top to bottom: Large blue-spotted octopus, box jellyfish, conical snail, Sydney funnel blade are 4 of Australia's most terrifying venom creatures.

In particular, poisonous snakes with the domestic snake name Taipan are considered the "worst nightmare" for humans.

Picture 2 of Domestic Taipan: The venomous snake kills 100 people at once
The domestic Taipan snake is the most venomous snake in any terrestrial snake species on Earth.

Inland Taipan (Inland Taipan snake) , the snake possesses the most venomous venom of any terrestrial living snake on Earth, another name is "ferocious snake" (Fierce Snake) , The scientific name is Oxyuranus microlepidotus.

This 2.5 meter long snake is found in inland areas in Australia such as Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales and the Northern Territory.

Picture 3 of Domestic Taipan: The venomous snake kills 100 people at once
The habitat of the domestic Taipan snake (red).(Photo: Wikipedia).

In addition to owning the most terrifying biological venom on land, inland Taipan also has the ability to change the color of the skin on a seasonal basis. It can turn from dark brown to olive green or dark blue.

Research by scientists shows that domestic Taipan has 50 times more venomous venom than regular cobra and 10 times Mojave rattles.

Only an amount of venom equal to 110mg, domestic Taipan can cause 100 people to die after 45 minutes without timely medical intervention.

Picture 4 of Domestic Taipan: The venomous snake kills 100 people at once
Inland Taipan can change color according to season.

Before that, they had to endure the terrible pain from lightning fast, causing 60% of heart muscle cells to be destroyed after the first 10 minutes.

Venom once it has the opportunity to penetrate into the human body will damage the nervous system, causing blood clots, causing us to have severe headaches and body paralysis.

Inland Taipan can kill any animal on land. Only a small amount of venom sprayed after each bite, they could "see off" 250,000 mice to death.

Picture 5 of Domestic Taipan: The venomous snake kills 100 people at once
Inland Taipan is the most terrifying venomous snake in the world.(Photo: Daniel Klaer).

That's why, when domestic Taipan hunts, the animals in their sights will determine that death is near.