Electric fish killed by electricity

Picture 1 of Electric fish killed by electricity

Electric stingray

Some fish know to cause or kill prey with electrical impulses, which are electric rays and electric eels.

Electric catfish, also called catfish, cause an enchantment to kill prey, or drive away an enemy by throwing out electric currents. Electrical-generating organs are all under the skin, along the length of the body and tail. A large catfish can produce an electric current of 350 volts.

Picture 2 of Electric fish killed by electricity

Electric eel

Live electric stingrays are common on the sea, with two electric-generating bodies located on either side of the head. They catch fish by pressing on their prey and tightly embracing it, then discharge it into their prey, the current is about 50 volts.

The fish with the strongest current is the South American electric eel , the electric organs are located at the tail with a voltage of 550 volts. They can snatch the fish around, paralyzing the horse if the horse touches this electric eel.