Everyone's 'embarrassing' moments are of the brain

Did you know, the brain - the perfect 'machine' in the human body does not always work smoothly.
The brain is always considered the magic 'tireless' machine in the body. When we wake up, the brain controls and governs all the actions of the body, even the smallest, when we sleep, the brain does not have a minute of rest.

The brain and the wonders

However, that does not mean that the brain completes every task perfectly. In fact, the central nervous system has sometimes been 'silly' .

Be amazed when entering a new space .

Have you ever experienced the feeling of going to the kitchen to get an item and then forget about what you're going to take? Or do you simply remember what you intend to do when going from room to room?

Don't be afraid to confess, because in fact most of us have been. In a study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, it was demonstrated that memory in the brain is segmented and recorded as a multi-chapter book.

Picture 1 of Everyone's 'embarrassing' moments are of the brain

When entering a new space, the brain also defaults to remembering memories into a new chapter. So sometimes this process makes what you intend to do suddenly disappear in your brain and your mind becomes unusually empty.

. even imagining makes the memory 'go out'

And yet, scientists also point to an unhappy fact about the brain. Accordingly, imagining walking scenes through the door of the room will make you forget what you are planning in your head.

Experts call this 'black hole' of short-term memory. In other words, when believing that you are crossing a new spatial boundary, the brain will release all information in short-term memory into the void space, making it impossible for you to remember what you are thinking about. .

The brain sometimes voluntarily gets 'led the nose' .

Picture 2 of Everyone's 'embarrassing' moments are of the brain

In the brain there is always an extremely mysterious part called false memory. According to neuroscientists, this part of the memory is the reason why people sometimes fall into the situation of being 'easily carried'.

To prove it, psychologists give their students a list of words related to sleep (bed, rest, alertness .) but not from sleeping in it.

After that, students are asked to recall the words they have read. Surprisingly, they all remember reading the word 'sleep' in the list.

This proves that the memories in our brain can change, even change easily, with just a few small tricks. That is also the reason many things you believe you remember as printed but in fact are completely wrong.

. to the extent that you can believe that you were a criminal even if not

Recently, scientists can even use false memories to implant a sinful past into the brain.

Accordingly, only through an experiment that lasted a few hours, neurologists could convince an innocent person to believe that he was a criminal with a success rate of over 70%.

The brain works a lot so sometimes it's very . lazy

Despite continuous and restless activity, there are times when your brain strikes and doesn't want to work. One of the illustrations for this review is 'Google Effect'.

Picture 3 of Everyone's 'embarrassing' moments are of the brain

Accordingly, many people today have this strange syndrome. Simply put, this is a phenomenon when the brain tends to forget more information if you know that you can search for that information on the Internet.

Sharing this, expert Betsy Sparrow said: 'The Internet-based brain for memorization is very similar to the way we rely on the memory of a friend, family member or colleague. We remember less information than remember where the information can be found. "

But sometimes, the brain becomes extremely intelligent just by . closing the eyes

In order to overcome memory loss moments, the brain has also created many mechanisms to enhance vitality. One of the simplest but most effective measures is . close your eyes.

Picture 4 of Everyone's 'embarrassing' moments are of the brain

According to a study of 178 people published in the journal Legal and Criminal Psychology, people who closed their eyes answered questions about details in a movie that were 23% more accurate than ordinary people.

Explaining this, experts say, close your eyes will help the central nervous system be freed from a number of visual-related tasks, thereby enhancing the activity of memorizing neurons in the brain.