Explain why peppermint candy makes us

Find out the truth behind the undeniable appeal of peppermint essence in candies .

Peppermint candy is always considered one of the top choices when you want to become more focused and alert at work. Whether summer or winter, peppermint candies still give us a cool, refreshing feeling. Why is that?

Picture 1 of Explain why peppermint candy makes us
Eat mint candy .

Picture 2 of Explain why peppermint candy makes us
. and enjoy the "cool throat" feeling like a fan blowing in your body

According to neurologist David McKemy of the University of Southern California, peppermint plants have used tricks to 'fool' the brain, causing a feeling of coolness and refreshment.

Picture 3 of Explain why peppermint candy makes us
Mint tree leaves

Specifically, peppermint essence in candies will activate some receptors on cold-sensing nerves . This nerve sends signals to the central nervous system, making the brain believe that we are feeling cool in the throat.

Picture 4 of Explain why peppermint candy makes us
It was so refreshing that soaring was the feeling of many people when eating peppermint gum

Thanks to this effect, the body is "fooled" that you are feeling cool and comfortable. Consequently, after eating peppermint candy, breathing is regulated and you feel better. At the same time, like when drinking cold water, eating peppermint candy dispels part of the thirst as well as makes the mind become more alert and focused . This is the result of another study in 1990.

Picture 5 of Explain why peppermint candy makes us
Mint mint drinks also have a quicker and better refreshment effect than regular water